Advanced topics

This section discusses a number of advanced operations and ways of extending Enoki.

Improving introspection of Enoki types in LLDB/GDB

When debugging programs built on top of Enoki using LLDB or GDB, the stringified versions of arrays are needlessly verbose and reveal private implementation details. For instance, printing a simple statically sized 3D vectors like Array<float, 3>(1, 2, 3) in LLDB yields

$0 = {
  enoki::StaticArrayImpl<float, 3, false, enoki::Array<float, 3>, int> = {
    enoki::StaticArrayImpl<float, 4, false, enoki::Array<float, 3>, int> = {
      m = (1, 2, 3, 0)

Dynamic arrays (e.g. FloatX(1, 2, 3)) are even worse, as the values are obscured behind a pointer:

$0 = {
  enoki::DynamicArrayImpl<enoki::Packet<float, 8>, enoki::DynamicArray<enoki::Packet<float, 8> > > = summary {
    m_packets = {
      __ptr_ = {
        std::__1::__compressed_pair_elem<enoki::Packet<float, 8> *, 0, false> = {
          __value_ = 0x0000000100300200
    m_size = 1
    m_packets_allocated = 1

To improve readability, this repository includes scripts that improve GDB and LLDB’s understanding of Enoki types. With this script, both of the above turn into

$0 = [1, 2, 3]

To install it in LLDB, copy the file resources/ to ~/.lldb (creating the directory, if not present) and then apppend the following line to the file ~/.lldbinit (again, creating it if, not already present):

command script import ~/.lldb/

To install it in GDB, copy the file resources/ to ~/.gdb (creating the directory, if not present) and then apppend the following two lines to the file ~/.gdbinit (again, creating it if, not already present):

set print pretty
source ~/.gdb/

Compressing arrays

A common design pattern in vectorized code involves compressing arrays, i.e. selectively writing only masked parts of an array so that the selected entries become densely packed in memory (e.g. to improve resource usage when only parts of an array participate in a computation).

The function enoki::compress() efficiently maps this operation onto the targeted hardware (SSE4.2, AVX2, and AVX512 implementations are provided). The function also automatically advances the pointer by the amount of written entries.

Array<float, 16> input = ...;
auto mask = input < 0;

float output[16], ptr = output;
size_t count = compress(ptr, input, mask);
std::cout << count << " entries were written." << std::endl;

Custom data structures such as the GPS record class discussed in previous chapters are transparently supported by enoki::compress()—in this case, the mask applies to each vertical slice through the data structure as illustrated in the following figure:


The slice_ptr() function is used to acquire pointers to the beginning of the output arrays (there is one for each field of the data structure). It returns a value of type GPSRecord2<float *>, which holds these pointers. The following snippet illustrates how an arbitrarily long list of records can be compressed:

GPSCoord2fX input = /* .. input data to be compressed .. */;

/* Make sure there is enough space to store all data */
GPSCoord2fX output;
set_slices(output, slices(input));

/* Structure composed of pointers to the output arrays */
GPSRecord2<float *> ptr = slice_ptr(output, 0);

/* Counter used to keep track of the number of collected elements */
size_t final_size = 0;

/* Go through all packets, compress, and append */
for (size_t i = 0; i < packets(input); ++i) {
    /* Let's filter out the records with input.reliable == false */
    auto input_p = packet(input, i);
    final_size += compress(ptr, input_p, input_p.reliable);

/* Now that the final number of slices is known, adjust the output array size */
set_slices(output, final_size);


The writes performed by enoki::compress() are at the granularity of entire packets, which means that some extra scratch space generally needs to be allocated at the end of the output array.

For instance, even if it is known that a compression operation will find exactly N elements, you are required to reserve memory for N + Packet::Size elements to avoid undefined behavior.

Note that enoki::compress() will never require more memory than the input array, hence this provides a safe upper bound.

Vectorized for loops

Enoki provides a powerful enoki::range() iterator that enables for loops with index vectors. The following somewhat contrived piece of code computes \(\sum_{i=0}^{1000}i^2\) using brute force addition (but with only \(1000/16\approx 63\) loop iterations).

using Index = Packet<uint32_t, 8>;

Index result(0);

for (auto [index, mask]: range<Index>(0, 1000)) {
    result += select(
        index * index,

assert(hsum(result) == 332833500);

The mask is necessary to communicate the fact that the last loop iteration has several disabled entries. An extended version of the range statement enables iteration over multi-dimensional grids.

using Index3 = Array<Packet<uint32_t, 8>, 3>;

for (auto [index, mask] : range<Index3>(4u, 5u, 6u))
    std::cout << index << std::endl;

/* Output:
    [[0, 0, 0],
     [1, 0, 0],
     [2, 0, 0],
     [3, 0, 0],
     [0, 1, 0],
     [1, 1, 0],
     [2, 1, 0],
     [3, 1, 0]]

Here, it is assumed that the range along each dimension starts from zero.

Scatter, gather, and prefetches for SoA ↔ AoS conversion

Enoki’s scatter() and gather() functions can transparently convert between SoA and AoS representations. This case is triggered when the supplied index array has a smaller nesting level than that of the data array. For instance, consider the following example:

/* Packet types */
using FloatP    = Packet<float, 4>;
using UInt32P   = Packet<uint32_t, 4>;

/* SoA and AoS 3x3 matrix types */
using Matrix3f  = Matrix<float, 3>;
using Matrix3fP = Matrix<FloatP, 3>;

Matrix3f *data = ...;
UInt32P indices(5, 1, 3, 0);

/* Gather AoS matrix data into SoA representation */
Matrix3fP mat = gather<Matrix3fP>(data, indices);

/* Modify SoA matrix data and scatter back into AoS-based 'data' array */
mat *= 2.f;
scatter(data, mat, indices);

The same syntax also works for prefetch(), which is convenient to ensure that a given set of memory addresses are in cache (preferably a few hundred cycles before the actual usage).

/* Prefetch into L2 cache for write access */
prefetch<Matrix3fP, /* Write = */ true, /* Level = */ 2>(data, indices);

Enoki is smart enough to realize that the non-vectorized form of gather and scatter statements can be reduced to standard loads and stores, e.g.

using Matrix3f  = Matrix<float, 3>;
float *ptr = ...;
int32_t index = ...;

/* The statement below reduces to load<Matrix3f>(ptr + index); */
Matrix3f mat = gather<Matrix3f>(ptr, index);

Scatter and gather operations are also permitted for dynamic arrays, e.g.:

using FloatX    = DynamicArray<FloatP>;
using UInt32X   = DynamicArray<UInt32P>;
using Matrix3fX = Matrix<FloatX, 3>;

Matrix3f *data = ...;
UInt32X indices = ...;

/* Gather AoS matrix data into SoA representation */
Matrix3fX mat = gather<Matrix3fX>(data, indices);

Vectorized integer division by constants

Integer division is a surprisingly expensive operation on current processor architectures: for instance, the Knight’s Landing architecture requires up to a whopping 108 cycles (95 cycles on Skylake) to perform a single 64-bit signed integer division with remainder. The hardware unit implementing the division cannot accept any new inputs until it is done with the current input (in other words, it is not pipelined in contrast to most other operations). Given the challenges of efficiently realizing integer division in hardware, current processors don’t even provide an vector instruction to perform multiple divisions at once.

Although Enoki can’t do anything clever to provide an efficient array division instruction given these constraints, it does provide a highly efficient division operation for a special case that is often applicable: dividing by an integer constant. The following snippet falls under this special case because all array entries are divided by the same constant, which is furthermore known at compile time.

using Int32 = enoki::Array<uint32_t, 8>;

Int32 div_43(Int32 a) {
    return a / 43;

This generates the following AVX2 assembly code (with comments):

    ; Load magic constant into 'ymm1'
    vpbroadcastd  ymm1, dword ptr [rip + LCPI0_0]

    ; Compute high part of 64 bit multiplication with 'ymm1'
    vpmuludq      ymm2, ymm1, ymm0
    vpsrlq        ymm2, ymm2, 32
    vpsrlq        ymm3, ymm0, 32
    vpmuludq      ymm1, ymm1, ymm3
    vpblendd      ymm1, ymm2, ymm1, 170

    ; Correction & shift
    vpsubd        ymm0, ymm0, ymm1
    vpsrld        ymm0, ymm0, 1
    vpaddd        ymm0, ymm0, ymm1
    vpsrld        ymm0, ymm0, 5

We’ve effectively turned the division into a sequence of 2 multiplies, 4 shifts, and 2 additions/subtractions. Needless to say, this is going to be much faster than sequence of high-latency/low-througput scalar divisions.

In cases where the constant is not known at compile time, a enoki::divisor instance can be precomputed and efficiently applied using enoki::divisor::operator(), as shown in the following example:

using Int32P = enoki::Packet<uint32_t, 8>;

void divide(Int32P *a, int32_t b, size_t n) {
    /* Precompute magic constants */
    divisor<int32_t> prec_div = b;

    /* Now apply the precomputed division efficiently */
    for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
        a[i] = prec_div(a[i]);

The following plots show the speedup compared to scalar division when dividing 100 million integer packets of size 16 by a compile-time constant. As can be seen, the difference is fairly significant on consumer processors (up to 13.2x on Skylake) and huge on the simple cores found on a Xeon Phi (up to 61.2x on Knight’s Landing).


Enoki’s implementation of division by constants is based on the excellent libdivide library.


As can be seen, unsigned divisions are generally cheaper than signed division, and 32 bit division is considerably cheaper than 64 bit divisions. The reason for this is that a 64 bit high multiplication instruction required by the algorithm does not exist and must be emulated.


Enoki’s integer precomputed division operator does not support dividends equal to \(\pm 1\) (all other values are permissible). This is an inherent limitation of the magic number & shift-based algorithm used internally, which simply cannot represent this dividend. Enoki will throw an exception when a dividend equal to \(\pm 1\) is detected in an application compiled in debug mode.

Reinterpreting the contents of arrays

The function reinterpret_array() can be used to reinterpret the bit-level representation as a different type when both source and target types have matching sizes and layouts.

using UInt32P = Packet<uint32_t, 4>;
using FloatP = Packet<float, 4>;

UInt32P source = 0x3f800000;
FloatP target = reinterpret_array<FloatP>(source);

// Prints: [1, 1, 1, 1]
std::cout << target << std::endl;

The histogram problem and conflict detection

Consider vectorizing a function that increments the bins of a histogram given an array of bin indices. It is impossible to do this kind of indirect update using a normal pair of gather and scatter operations, since incorrect updates occur whenever the indices array contains an index multiple times:

using FloatP = Packet<float, 16>;
using IndexP = Packet<int32_t, 16>;

float hist[1000] = { 0.f }; /* Histogram entries */

IndexP indices = /* .. bin indices whose value should be increased .. */;

/* Ooops, don't do this. Some entries may have to be incremented multiple times.. */
scatter(hist, gather<FloatP>(hist, indices) + 1, indices);

Enoki provides a function named enoki::transform(), which modifies an indirect memory location in a way that is not susceptible to conflicts. The function takes an arbitrary function as parameter and applies it to the specified memory location, which allows this approach to generalize to situations other than just building histograms.

/* Unmasked version */
transform<FloatP>(hist, indices, [](auto& x, auto& /* mask */) { x += 1; });

/* Masked version */
transform<FloatP>(hist, indices, [](auto& x, auto& /* mask */) { x += 1; }, mask);

A mask argument is always provided to the lambda function. This is useful, e.g. to mask memory operations or function calls performed inside it. Note that any extra arguments will also be passed to the lambda function:

FloatP amount = ...;

/* Unmasked version */
transform<FloatP>(hist, indices,
                  [](auto& x, auto&y, auto & /* mask */) { x += y; },

/* Masked version */
transform<FloatP>(hist, indices,
                  [](auto& x, auto&y, auto& /* mask */) { x += y; },
                  amount, mask);

Internally, enoki::transform() detects and processes conflicts using the AVX512CDI instruction set. When conflicts are present, the function provided as an argument may be invoked multiple times in a row. When AVX512CDI is not available, a slower scalar fallback implementation is used.

Since the above use pattern—adding values to an array—is so common, a special short-hand notation exists:

FloatP amount = ...;

/* Unmasked version */
scatter_add(hist, amount, indices);

/* Masked version */
scatter_add(hist, amount, indices, mask);

Defining custom array types

Enoki provides a mechanism for declaring custom array types using the Curiously recurring template pattern. The following snippet shows a declaration of a hypothetical type named Spectrum representing a discretized color spectrum. Spectrum generally behaves the same way as Array and supports all regular Enoki operations.

template <typename Value, size_t Size>
struct Spectrum : enoki::StaticArrayImpl<Value, Size, false,
                                         Spectrum<Value, Size>> {

    /// Base class
    using Base = enoki::StaticArrayImpl<Value, Size, false,
                                        Spectrum<Value, Size>>;

    /// Helper alias used to implement type promotion rules
    template <typename T> using ReplaceValue = Spectrum<T, Size>;

    /// Mask type associated with this custom type
    using MaskType = enoki::Mask<Value, Size>;

    /// Import constructors, assignment operators, etc.
    ENOKI_IMPORT_ARRAY(Base, Spectrum)

The main reason for declaring custom arrays is to tag (and preserve) the type of arrays within expressions. For instance, the type of value2 in the following snippet is Spectrum<float, 8> rather than a generic enoki::Array<...>.

Spectrum<float, 8> value = { ... };
auto value2 = exp(-value);


A further declaration is needed in a rare corner case. This only applies

  1. if you plan to use the new array type within custom data structures, and
  2. if masked assignments to the custom data structure are used, and
  3. if the custom data structure creates instances of the new array type from its template parameters.

An example:

// 1. Custom data structure
template <typename Value> struct PolarizedSpectrum {
    // 3. Spectrum type constructed from template parameters
    using Spectrum8 = Spectrum<Value, 8>;
    Spectrum8 r_s;
    Spectrum8 r_p;
    ENOKI_STRUCT(PolarizedSpectrum, r_s, r_p)
ENOKI_STRUCT_SUPPORT(PolarizedSpectrum, r_s, r_p)

using PolarizedSpectrumfP = PolarizedSpectrum<FloatP>;

PolarizedSpectrumfP some_function(FloatP theta) {
    PolarizedSpectrumfP result = ...;
    // 2. Masked assignment
    masked(result, theta < 0.f) = zero<PolarizedSpectrumfP>();
    return result;

In this case, the following declaration is needed:

template <typename Value, size_t Size>
struct Spectrum<enoki::detail::MaskedArray<Value>, Size> : enoki::detail::MaskedArray<Spectrum<Value, Size>> {
    using Base = enoki::detail::MaskedArray<Spectrum<Value, Size>>;
    using Base::Base;
    using Base::operator=;
    Spectrum(const Base &b) : Base(b) { }

This partial overload has the purpose of propagating an internal Enoki masking data structure to the top level (so that Spectrum<MaskedArray> becomes MaskedArray<Spectrum>).

Architectural differences handled by Enoki

In addition to mapping vector operations on the available instruction sets, Enoki’s abstractions hide a number of tedious platform-related details. This is a partial list:

  1. The representation of masks is highly platform-dependent. For instance, the AVX512 back-end uses eight dedicated mask registers to store masks compactly (allocating only a single bit per mask entry).

    Older machines use a redundant representation based on regular vector registers that have all bits set to 1 for entries where the comparison was true and 0 elsewhere.

  2. Machines with AVX (but no AVX2) don’t have an 8-wide integer vector unit. This means that an Array<float, 8> can be represented using a single AVX ymm register, but casting it to an Array<int32_t, 8> entails switching to a pair of half width SSE4.2 xmm integer registers, etc.

  3. Vector instruction sets are generally fairly incomplete in the sense that they are missing many entries in the full data type / operation matrix. Enoki emulates such operations using other vector instructions whenever possible.

  4. Various operations that work with 64 bit registers aren’t available when Enoki is compiled on a 32-bit platform and must be emulated.

Adding backends for new instruction sets

Adding a new Enoki array type involves creating a new partial overload of the StaticArrayImpl<> template that derives from StaticArrayBase. To support the full feature set of Enoki, overloads must provide at least a set of core methods shown below. The underscores in the function names indicate that this is considered non-public API that should only be accessed indirectly via the routing templates in enoki/enoki_router.h.

  • The following core operations must be provided by every implementation.

    • Loads and stores: store_, store_unaligned_, load_, load_unaligned_.
    • Arithmetic and bit-level operations: add_, sub_, mul_, mulhi_ (signed/unsigned high integer multiplication), div_, mod_, and_, or_, xor_.
    • Unary operators: neg_, not_.
    • Comparison operators that produce masks: ge_, gt_, lt_, le_, eq_, neq_.
    • Other elementary operations: abs_, ceil_, floor_, max_, min_, round_, sqrt_.
    • Shift operations for integers: sl_, sr_.
    • Horizontal operations: all_, any_, hprod_, hsum_, hmax_, hmin_, count_.
    • Masked blending operation: select_.
    • Access to low and high part (if applicable): high_, low_.
    • Zero-valued array creation: zero_.
  • The following operations all have default implementations in Enoki’s mathematical support library, hence overriding them is optional.

    However, doing so may be worthwile if efficient hardware-level support exists on the target platform.

    • Shuffle operation (emulated using scalar operations by default): shuffle_.
    • Compressed stores (emulated using scalar operations by default): compress_.
    • Extracting an element based on a mask (emulated using scalar operations by default): extract_.
    • Scatter/gather operations (emulated using scalar operations by default): scatter_, gather_.
    • Prefetch operations (no-op by default): prefetch_.
    • Fused multiply-add routines (reduced to add_/sub_ and mul_ by default): fmadd_, fmsub_, fnmadd_, fnmsub_, fmaddsub_, fmsubadd_.
    • Reciprocal and reciprocal square root (reduced to div_ and sqrt_ by default): rcp_, rsqrt_.
    • Dot product (reduced to mul_ and hsum_ by default): dot_.
    • Optional bit-level rotation operations (reduced to shifts by default): rol_, ror_.
    • Optional array rotation operations (reduced to shuffles by default): rol_array_, ror_array_.