Method calls

Method calls and virtual method calls are important building blocks of modern object-oriented C++ applications. When vectorization enters the picture, it is not immediately clear how they should be dealt with. This section introduces Enoki’s method call vectorization support, focusing on a hypothetical Sensor class that decodes a measurement performed by a sensor.

Note that the examples will refer to CPU SIMD-style vectorization, but everything in this section also applies to other kinds of Enoki arrays (GPU arrays, differentiable arrays).

Suppose that the interface of the Sensor class originally looks as follows:

class Sensor {
    /// Decode a measurement based on the sensor's response curve
    virtual float decode(float input) = 0;

    /// Return sensor's serial number
    virtual uint32_t serial_number() = 0;

It is trivial to add a second method that takes vector inputs, like so:

using FloatP = Packet<float, 8>;
using MaskP  = mask_t<FloatP>;

class Sensor {
    /// Scalar version
    virtual float decode(float input) = 0;

    /// Vector version
    virtual FloatP decode(FloatP input) = 0;

    /// Return sensor's serial number
    virtual uint32_t serial_number() = 0;

This will work fine if there is just a single Sensor instance. But what if there are many of them, e.g. when each FloatP array of measurements also comes with a SensorP structure whose entries reference the sensor that produced the measurement?

class Sensor;
using SensorP = Array<Sensor *, 8>;

Ideally, we’d still be able to write the following code, but this sort of thing is clearly not supported by standard C++.

SensorP sensor = ...;
FloatP data = ...;

data = sensor->decode(data);

Enoki provides a support layer that can handle such vectorized method calls. It performs as many method calls as there are unique instances in the sensor array, and an optional mask is forwarded to the callee indicating the associated active SIMD lanes. Null pointers in the data array are legal and are considered as masked entries. The return value of masked entries is always zero (or a zero-filled array/structure, depending on the method’s return type).

The ENOKI_CALL_SUPPORT_METHOD macro is required to support the above syntax. This generates the Enoki support layer that intercepts and carries out the function call:

class Sensor {
    // Scalar version
    virtual float decode(float input) = 0;

    // Vector version with optional mask argument
    virtual FloatP decode(FloatP input, MaskP mask) = 0;

    /// Return sensor's serial number
    virtual uint32_t serial_number() = 0;

/// .. potentially other methods ..

The macro supports functions taking an arbitrary number of arguments but assumes that results are provided to the caller via the return value only (i.e. no writing to arguments passed by reference). The mask, if present, must be the last argument of the function.

Here is a hypothetical implementation of the Sensor interface:

class MySensor : Sensor {
    /// Vector version
    virtual FloatP decode(FloatP input, MaskP active) override {
        /// Keep track of invalid samples
        n_invalid += count(isnan(input) && active);

        /* Transform e.g. from log domain. */
        return log(input);

    /// Return sensor's serial number
    uint32_t serial_number() { return 363436u; }

    // ...

    size_t n_invalid = 0;

With this interface, the following vectorized expressions are now valid:

SensorP sensor = ...;
FloatP data = ...;

/* Unmasked version */
data = sensor->decode(data);

/* Masked version */
auto mask = sensor->serial_number() > 1000;
data = sensor->decode(data, mask);

Note how both functions with scalar and vector return values are vectorized automatically.

The implementation of vector method calls depends on the array type and hardware capabilities.

  • On machines with the AVX512 instruction set, the vpextractq instruction is used to efficiently extract the unique set of instance pointers.
  • The CUDA backend performs a parallel radix sort and run-length encoding of the pointer array using NVIDIA’s CUB library to obtain the list of unique pointers and indices referring to them. It then gathers the argument values corresponding to a particular pointer, evaluates the function, and then scatters the result into an output array.
  • In all other cases, the unique elements are found using a linear sweep.

Supporting scalar getter functions

The above way of vectorizing a scalar getter function may involve multiple virtual method calls, which is not particularly efficient when the invoked function is very simple (e.g. a getter). Enoki provides an alternative macro ENOKI_CALL_SUPPORT_GETTER that turns any such attribute lookup into a gather operation. The macro takes the getter name and field name as arguments. The macro ENOKI_CALL_SUPPORT_FRIEND is needed if the field in question is a private member.

class Sensor {
    /// ...

    /// Return sensor's serial number
    uint32_t serial_number() { return m_serial_number; }

    uint32_t m_serial_number;

ENOKI_CALL_SUPPORT_GETTER(serial_number, m_serial_number)

The usage is identical to before, i.e.:

using UInt32P = Packet<uint32_t, 8>;

SensorP sensor = ...;
UInt32P serial = sensor->serial_number();

Note that this trick even works for GPU arrays! In this case, the GPU will directly fetch the value of the m_serial_number field from the CPU via shared memory. However, this only works when the Sensor instance has been allocated in host-pinned address space that will be reachable on the GPU. To do so, add the ENOKI_PINNED_OPERATOR_NEW annotation that will override the new and delete operator to ensure that this is always the case for Sensor instances.

class Sensor {
    // ...