A quick demonstration

This section contains a quick and somewhat contrived demonstration that illustrates a number of basic Enoki features. The remainder of the documentation contains a more systematic introduction of this functionality.

Consider the function

\[\begin{split}f(x)=\begin{cases} 12.92x, &x \le 0.0031308\\ 1.055x^{1/2.4} -0.055, &\mathrm{otherwise,} \end{cases}\end{split}\]

which converts a linear color value into one that can be displayed on a modern display following the sRGB standard—this is known as gamma correction. A standard C++ implementation of this function might look as follows:

float srgb_gamma(float x) {
   if (x <= 0.0031308f)
      return x * 12.92f;
      return std::pow(x * 1.055f, 1.f / 2.4f) - 0.055f;

A Enoki implementation of the same computation first replaces float by a generic Value type. The second difference is that scalar conditionals are replaced by generalized expressions involving masks.

template <typename Value> Value srgb_gamma(Value x) {
   return enoki::select(
      x <= 0.0031308f,
      x * 12.92f,
      enoki::pow(x * 1.055f, 1.f / 2.4f) - 0.055f


The simple generalization from normal C++ code to an Enoki function template enables a number of interesting applications. For instance, the function automatically extends to cases where Value is a color type with three components, in which case the arithmetic operations recursively thread through the array.

using Color3f = enoki::Array<float, 3>;

Color3f input = /* ... */;
Color3f output = srgb_gamma(input);

Arrays can be nested arbitrarily: the following snippet declares a 16-wide FloatP “packet” type (hence the “P” suffix) and uses it to construct a a new type storing 16 colors that will all be processed in parallel.

using FloatP   = enoki::Array<float, 16>;
using Color3fP = enoki::Array<FloatP, 3>;

Color3fP input = /* ... */;
Color3fP output = srgb_gamma(input);

If this code is compiled on a machine supporting the SSE4.2, AVX, AVX2, or AVX512 instructions set extensions, these vector instructions will be leveraged to carry out the computation more efficiently.

Execution on the GPU

Vectorization is not restricted to the CPU—for instance, the following type declarations create a special array that is resident in GPU memory. In this mode of operation, Enoki relies on an internal just-in-time compiler to generate efficient CUDA kernels on the fly.

using FloatC   = enoki::CUDAArray<float>;
using Color3fC = enoki::Array<FloatC, 3>;

Color3fC input = /* ... */;
Color3fC output = srgb_gamma(input);

Enoki’s CUDAArray<T> type applies an important optimization that leads to significantly improved performance: in contrast to the previous examples, the function call srgb_gamma(input) now merely records the sequence of computations that is needed to determine the value of output but does not yet execute it.

Eventually, this evaluation can no longer be postponed (e.g. when we try to access or print the array contents). At this point, Enoki’s JIT backend compiles and executes a kernel that contains all queued computations using NVIDIA’s PTX intermediate representation. All of this happens automatically: in particular, no CUDA-specific rewrite (e.g. to nvcc compatible kernels) of the program is necessary!

Automatic differentiation

Enoki can also apply transparent forward or reverse-mode automatic differentiation to a program using a special enoki::DiffArray<T> array that wraps a number type or another Enoki array T.

For instance, the following example computes the gradient of a loss function that measures L2 distance from a given gamma-corrected color value. Both primal and gradient-related computations involve GPU-resident arrays, and the resulting computation is queued up as in the previously example using Enoki’s just-in-time compiler.

using FloatC   = enoki::CUDAArray<float>;
using FloatD   = enoki::DiffArray<FloatC>;
using Color3fD = enoki::Array<FloatD, 3>;

Color3fD input = /* ... */;

Color3fD output = srgb_gamma(input);

FloatD loss = enoki::norm(output - Color3fD(.1f, .2f, .3f));

std::cout << enoki::gradient(input) << std::endl;

The scalar case

All Enoki functions also accept non-array arguments, hence the original scalar implementation remains available:

float input = /* ... */;
float output = srgb_gamma(input);

Python bindings

Modern C++ systems often strive to provide fine-grained Python bindings to facilitate rapid prototyping and interoperability with other software. Enoki is designed to work with the widely used pybind11 library (itself based on template metaprogramming) to facilitate this. Exposing an Enoki function on the Python side is usually a 1-liner, even for the “fancy” GPU+autodiff variants, as in the following example:

/// Create python bindings with 2 overloads (here, 'm' is a py::module)
m.def("srgb_gamma", &srgb_gamma<float>);
m.def("srgb_gamma", &srgb_gamma<Color3fD>);


In summary: Enoki, along with a generalized template implementation of a computation enables several powerful transformations:

  1. A simple type substitution yields an equivalent vectorized computation that leverages vector instructions on modern processor architectures.
  2. Symbolic execution of the computation using a a just-in-time compiler yields efficient kernels that run on NVIDIA GPUs.
  3. Further type transformations enable tracking of derivatives through a calculation, either on the CPU or the GPU.
  4. The above transformations can all be deduced from the type of the resulting functions. This is an ideal fit for metaprogramming-based libraries like pybind11 which inspect the type of a function to generate high-quality binding code.

There are many missing pieces that weren’t discussed in this basic overview: how to handle more complex control flow, types and data structures, virtual method calls, and so on. The remainder of this documentation provides a more systematic overview of these topics.