Standard Template Library

When Enoki extracts packets or slices through custom data structures, it also handles STL data structures including std::array, and std::pair, and std::tuple. Please review the section on dynamic arrays for general details on vectorizing over dynamic arrays and working with slices.

To use this feature, include the following header file:

#include <enoki/stl.h>


Consider the following example, where a function returns a std::tuple containing a 3D position and a mask specifying whether the computation was successful. When the enoki/stl.h header file is included, Enoki’s dynamic vectorization machinery can be applied to vectorize such functions over arbitrarily large inputs.

/// Return value of 'my_function'
template <typename T>
using Return = std::tuple<
    Array<T, 3>,

template <typename T> Return<T> my_function(T theta, T phi) {
    /* Turn spherical -> cartesian coordinates */
    Array<T, 3> pos(
        sin(theta) * cos(phi),
        sin(theta) * sin(phi),

    /* Only points on the top hemisphere are 'valid' */
    return std::make_pair(pos, pos.z() > 0);

/// Packet of floats
using FloatP  = Packet<float>;

/// Arbitrarily large sequence of floats
using FloatX  = DynamicArray<FloatP>;

/// Tuple containing a packet of results
using ReturnP = Return<FloatP>;

/// Tuple containing dynamic arrays with arbitrarily many results
using ReturnX = Return<FloatX>;

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    FloatX theta = linspace<FloatX>(-10.f, 10.f, 10);
    FloatX phi = linspace<FloatX>(0.f, 60.f, 10);

    ReturnX result = vectorize(my_function<FloatP>, theta, phi);

    /* Prints:
        [[0.544021, 0, -0.839072],
         [-0.924676, -0.373065, 0.0761302],
         [0.478888, 0.461548, 0.746753],
         [0.0777672, 0.173978, -0.981674],
         [-0.0330365, -0.895583, 0.443666],
         [-0.304446, 0.842896, 0.443666],
         [0.127097, -0.141995, -0.981674],
         [0.596782, -0.293616, 0.746753],
         [-0.994388, 0.0734624, 0.0761293],
         [0.518133, 0.165823, -0.839072]]

    std::cout << std::get<0>(result) << std::endl;

    /* Prints:
        [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
    std::cout << std::get<1>(result) << std::endl;