Random number generation

Enoki ships with a vectorized implementation of the PCG32 random number generator developed by Melissa O’Neill. To use it, include the following header:

#include <enoki/random.h>

The following reference is based on the original PCG32 documentation.


The enoki::PCG32 class takes a single template parameter T that denotes the “shape” of the output. This can be any scalar type like uint32_t, in which case the implementation generates scalar variates:

/* Scalar RNG */
using RNG_1x = PCG32<uint32_t>;

RNG_1x my_rng;
float value = my_rng.next_float32();

Alternatively, it can be an Enoki array, in which case the implementation produces arrays of variates.

using FloatP = Packet<float, 16>;

/* Vector RNG -- generates 16 independent variates at once */
using RNG_16x = PCG32<FloatP>;

RNG_16x my_rng;
FloatP value = my_rng.next_float32();

PCG32 is fast: on a Skylake i7-6920HQ processor, the vectorized implementation provided here generates around 1.4 billion single precision variates per second.


template<typename T>
class PCG32

This class implements the PCG32 pseudorandom number generator. It has a period of \(2^{64}\) and supports \(2^{63}\) separate streams. Each stream produces a different unique sequence of random numbers, which is particularly useful in the context of vectorized computations.

Member types

constexpr size_t Size

Denotes the SIMD width of the random number generator (i.e. how many pseudorandom variates are generated at the same time)

using Int64 = int64_array_t<T>

Type alias for a signed 64-bit integer (or an array thereof).

using UInt64 = uint64_array_t<T>

Type alias for a unsigned 64-bit integer (or an array thereof).

using UInt32 = uint32_array_t<T>

Type alias for a unsigned 32-bit integer (or an array thereof).

using Float32 = float32_array_t<T>

Type alias for a single precision float (or an array thereof).

using Float64 = float64_array_t<T>

Type alias for a double precision float (or an array thereof).

Member variables

UInt64 state

Stores the RNG state. All values are possible.

UInt64 inc

Controls which RNG sequence (stream) is selected. Must always be odd, which is ensured by the constructor and seed() method.


PCG32(const UInt64 &initstate = PCG32_DEFAULT_STATE, const UInt64 &initseq = PCG32_DEFAULT_STREAM + arange<UInt64>())

Seeds the PCG32 with the default state. When T is an array, every entry by default uses a different stream index, which yields an uncorrelated and non-overlapping set of sequences.


void seed(const UInt64 &initstate, const UInt64 &initseq)

This function initializes (a.k.a. “seeds”) the random number generator, a required initialization step before the generator can be used. The provided arguments are defined as follows:

  • initstate is the starting state for the RNG. Any 64-bit value is permissible.
  • initseq selects the output sequence for the RNG. Any 64-bit value is permissible, although only the low 63 bits are used.

For this generator, there are \(2^{63}\) possible sequences of pseudorandom numbers. Each sequence is entirely distinct and has a period of \(2^{64}\). The initseq argument selects which stream is used. The initstate argument specifies the location within the \(2^{64}\) period.

Calling PCG32::seed() with the same arguments produces the same output, allowing programs to use random number sequences repeatably.

UInt32 next_uint32(const mask_t<UInt64> &mask = true)

Generate a uniformly distributed unsigned 32-bit random number (i.e. \(x\), where \(0\le x< 2^{32}\))

If a mask parameter is provided, only the pseudorandom number generators of active SIMD lanes are advanced.

UInt64 next_uint64(const mask_t<UInt64> &mask = true)

Generate a uniformly distributed unsigned 64-bit random number (i.e. \(x\), where \(0\le x< 2^{64}\))

If a mask parameter is provided, only the pseudorandom number generators of active SIMD lanes are advanced.


This function performs two internal calls to next_uint32().

UInt32 next_uint32_bound(uint32_t bound, const mask_t<UInt64> &mask = true)

Generate a uniformly distributed unsigned 32-bit random number less than bound (i.e. \(x\), where \(0\le x<\) bound)

If a mask parameter is provided, only the pseudorandom number generators of active SIMD lanes are advanced.


This may involve multiple internal calls to next_uint32(), in which case the RNG advances by several steps. This is only relevant when using the advance() or operator-() method.

UInt64 next_uint64_bound(uint64_t bound, const mask_t<UInt64> &mask = true)

Generate a uniformly distributed unsigned 64-bit random number less than bound (i.e. \(x\), where \(0\le x<\) bound)

If a mask parameter is provided, only the pseudorandom number generators of active SIMD lanes are advanced.


This may involve multiple internal calls to next_uint64(), in which case the RNG advances by several steps. This is only relevant when using the advance() or operator-() method.

Float32 next_float32(const mask_t<UInt64> &mask = true)

Generate a single precision floating point value on the interval \([0, 1)\)

If a mask parameter is provided, only the pseudorandom number generators of active SIMD lanes are advanced.

Float64 next_float64(const mask_t<UInt64> &mask = true)

Generate a double precision floating point value on the interval \([0, 1)\)

If a mask parameter is provided, only the pseudorandom number generators of active SIMD lanes are advanced.


Since the underlying random number generator produces 32 bit output, only the first 32 mantissa bits will be filled (however, the resolution is still finer than in next_float32(), which only uses 23 mantissa bits)

void advance(const Int64 &delta)

This operation provides jump-ahead; it advances the RNG by delta steps, doing so in \(\log(\texttt{delta})\) time. Because of the periodic nature of generation, advancing by \(2^{64}-d\) (i.e., passing \(-d\)) is equivalent to backstepping the generator by \(d\) steps.

Int64 operator-(const PCG32 &other)

Compute the distance between two PCG32 pseudorandom number generators

bool operator==(const PCG32 &other)

Equality operator

bool operator!=(const PCG32 &other)

Inequality operator


The following macros are defined in enoki/random.h:

uint64_t PCG32_DEFAULT_STATE = 0x853c49e6748fea9bULL

Default initialization passed to PCG32::seed().

uint64_t PCG32_DEFAULT_STREAM = 0xda3e39cb94b95bdbULL

Default stream index passed to PCG32::seed().