Fixed-size matrices

Enoki provides a vectorizable type for small fixed-size square matrices (e.g. \(2\times 2\), \(3\times 3\), or \(4\times 4\)) that are commonly found in computer graphics and vision applications.


Enoki attempts to store matrix entries in processor registers—it is unwise to work with large matrices since this will cause considerable pressure on the register allocator. Instead, consider using specialized libraries for large-scale linear algebra (e.g. Eigen or Intel MKL) in such cases.

To use this feature, include the following header:

#include <enoki/matrix.h>


The following example shows how to define and perform basic arithmetic using enoki::Matrix to construct a \(4\times 4\) homogeneous coordinate “look-at” camera matrix and its inverse:

using Vector3f = Matrix<float, 3>;
using Vector4f = Matrix<float, 4>;
using Matrix4f = Matrix<float, 4>;

std::pair<Matrix4f, Matrix4f> look_at(const Vector3f &origin,
                                      const Vector3f &target,
                                      const Vector3f &up) {
    Vector3f dir = normalize(target - origin);
    Vector3f left = normalize(cross(up, dir));
    Vector3f new_up = cross(dir, left);

    Matrix4f result = Matrix4f::from_cols(
        concat(left, 0.f),
        concat(new_up, 0.f),
        concat(dir, 0.f),
        concat(origin, 1.f)

    /* The following two statements efficiently compute
       the inverse. Alternatively, we could have written

        Matrix4f inverse = inverse(result);
    Matrix4f inverse = Matrix4f::from_rows(
        concat(left, 0.f),
        concat(new_up, 0.f),
        concat(dir, 0.f),
        Vector4f(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f)

    inverse[3] = inverse * concat(-origin, 1.f);

    return std::make_pair(result, inverse);

Enoki can also work with fixed-size packets and dynamic arrays of matrices. The following example shows how to compute the inverse of a matrix array.

using FloatP = Packet<float, 4>;     // 4-wide packet type
using FloatX = DynamicArray<FloatP>; // arbitrary-length array

using MatrixP = Matrix<FloatP, 4>;   // a packet of 4x4 matrices
using MatrixX = Matrix<FloatX, 4>;   // arbitrarily many 4x4 matrices

MatrixX matrices;
set_slices(matrices, 1000);

// .. fill matrices with contents ..

// Invert all matrices
    [](auto &&m) {
        m = inverse(MatrixP(m));


template<typename Value, size_t Size>
class Matrix : StaticArrayImpl<Array<Value, Size>, Size>

The class enoki::Matrix represents a dense square matrix of fixed size as a Size \(\times\) Size Enoki array whose components are of type Value. The implementation relies on a column-major storage order to enable a particularly efficient implementation of vectorized matrix multiplication.

type Value

Denotes the type of matrix elements.

type Column

Denotes the Enoki array type of a matrix column.

template<typename ...Values>
Matrix(Values... values)

Creates a new enoki::Matrix instance with the given set of entries (where sizeof...(Values) == Size*Size)

template<typename ...Columns>
Matrix(Columns... columns)

Creates a new enoki::Matrix instance with the given set of columns (where sizeof...(Columns) == Size)

template<size_t Size2>
Matrix(Matrix<Value, Size2> m)

Construct a matrix from another matrix of the same type, but with a different size. If Size2 > Size, the constructor copies the top left part of m. Otherwise, it copies all of m and fills the rest of the matrix with the identity.

Matrix(Value f)

Creates a enoki::Matrix instance which has the value f on the diagonal and zeroes elsewhere.

Value &operator()(size_t i, size_t j)

Returns a reference to the matrix entry \((i, j)\).

const Value &operator()(size_t i, size_t j) const

Returns a const reference to the matrix entry \((i, j)\).

Column &col(size_t i)

Returns a reference to \(i\)-th column.

const Column &col(size_t i) const

Returns a const reference to \(i\)-th column.

Column row(size_t i)

Returns the \(i\)-th row by value.

template<typename ...Columns>
static Matrix from_columns(Columns... columns)

Creates a new enoki::Matrix instance with the given set of columns (where Size == sizeof...(Columns)). This is identical to the Matrix::Matrix() constructor but makes it more explicit that the input are columns.

template<typename ...Rows>
static Matrix from_rows(Rows... rows)

Creates a new enoki::Matrix instance with the given set of rows (where Size == sizeof...(Rows)).

Supported operations

template<typename T, size_t Size>
Matrix<T, Size> operator*(Matrix<T, Size> m, Matrix<T, Size> v)

Efficient vectorized matrix-matrix multiplication operation. On AVX512VL, a \(4\times 4\) matrix multiplication reduces to 4 multiplications and 12 fused multiply-adds with embedded broadcasts.

template<typename T, size_t Size>
Array<T, Size> operator*(Matrix<T, Size> m, Array<T, Size> v)

Matrix-vector multiplication operation.

template<typename T, size_t Size>
T trace(Matrix<T, Size> m)

Computes the trace (i.e. sum of the diagonal elements) of the given matrix.

template<typename T, size_t Size>
T frob(Matrix<T, Size> m)

Computes the Frobenius norm of the given matrix.

template<typename Matrix>
Matrix identity()

Returns the identity matrix.

template<typename Matrix>
Matrix diag(typename Matrix::Column v)

Returns a diagonal matrix whoose entries are copied from v.

template<typename Matrix>
typename Matrix::Column diag(Matrix m)

Extracts the diagonal from a matrix m and returns it as a vector.

template<typename T, size_t Size>
Matrix<T, Size> transpose(Matrix<T, Size> m)

Computes the transpose of m using an efficient set of shuffles.

template<typename T, size_t Size>
Matrix<T, Size> inverse(Matrix<T, Size> m)

Computes the inverse of m using an branchless vectorized form of Cramer’s rule.


This function is only implemented for \(1\times 1\), \(2\times 2\), \(3\times 3\), and \(4\times 4\) matrices (which are allowed to be packets of matrices).

template<typename T, size_t Size>
Matrix<T, Size> inverse_transpose(Matrix<T, Size> m)

Computes the inverse transpose of m using an branchless vectorized form of Cramer’s rule. (This function is more efficient than transpose(inverse(m)))


This function is only implemented for \(1\times 1\), \(2\times 2\), \(3\times 3\), and \(4\times 4\) matrices (which are allowed to be packets of matrices).

template<typename T, size_t Size>
Matrix<T, Size> det(Matrix<T, Size> m)

Computes the determinant of m.


This function is only implemented for \(1\times 1\), \(2\times 2\), \(3\times 3\), and \(4\times 4\) matrices (which are allowed to be packets of matrices).

template<typename Matrix>
std::pair<Matrix, Matrix> polar_decomp(Matrix M, size_t it = 10)

Given a nonsingular input matrix \(\mathbf{M}\), polar_decomp computes the polar decomposition \(\mathbf{M} = \mathbf{Q}\mathbf{P}\), where \(\mathbf{Q}\) is an orthogonal matrix and \(\mathbf{Q}\) is a symmetric and positive definite matrix. The computation relies on an accelerated version of Heron’s method that converges rapidly. it denotes the iteration count—a value of \(10\) should be plenty.