Custom data structures

The previous sections introduced Enoki arrays as a tool for designing vectorized algorithms that are capable of processing multiple inputs at the same time. However, in many cases, vectorizing an algorithm will also require a corresponding change to the data structures that underlie it. This section demonstrates how C++ templates provide a natural framework for achieving this goal while satisfying the desiderata of Enoki (readability, portability, no code duplication, etc.).

We will focus on an simple example data structure that represents a position record acquired by a GPS tracker along with auxiliary information (time, and a flag stating whether the data is considered reliable). The examples will refer to CPU SIMD-style vectorization, but everything in this section also applies to other kinds of Enoki arrays (GPU arrays, differentiable arrays).

using Vector2f = Array<float, 2>;

/// Simple 2D GPS record tagged with auxiliary information
struct GPSCoord2f {
    /// UNIX time when the data point was acquired (seconds since Jan 1970)
    uint64_t time;

    /// Latitude, longitude as a 2D vector
    Vector2f pos;

    /// Is the data point reliable (e.g. enough GPS satellites in sensor's field of view)
    bool reliable;

Next, consider the following function, which computes the distance between two GPS coordinates using the haversine formula. When either of the two positions is deemed unreliable, it returns a NaN value to inform the caller about this.

/// Calculate the distance in kilometers between 'r1' and 'r2' using the haversine formula
float distance(const GPSCoord2f &r1, const GPSCoord2f &r2) {
    const float deg_to_rad = (float) (M_PI / 180.0);

    if (!r1.reliable || !r2.reliable)
        return std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN();

    Vector2f sin_diff_h = std::sin(deg_to_rad * .5f * (r2.pos - r1.pos));
    sin_diff_h *= sin_diff_h;

    float a = sin_diff_h.x() + sin_diff_h.y() *
              std::cos(r1.pos.x() * deg_to_rad) *
              std::cos(r2.pos.x() * deg_to_rad);

    return 6371.f * 2.f * std::atan2(std::sqrt(a), std::sqrt(1.f - a));

Suppose that we would like to add a second vectorized version of this function, which works with arrays of GPS coordinates. Instead of defining yet another data structure for coordinates arrays in addition to the existing GPSCoord2f, our approach will be to rely on a single template data structure that subsumes both cases. It is parameterized by the type of a GPS position component (e.g. latitude) named Value.

template <typename Value> struct GPSCoord2 {
    using Vector2 = Array<Value, 2>;
    using UInt64  = uint64_array_t<Value>;
    using Mask    = mask_t<Value>;

    UInt64 time;
    Vector2 pos;
    Mask reliable;

The using declarations at the beginning require an explanation: they involve the type traits enoki::uint64_array_t and enoki::mask_t, which “compute” the type of an Enoki array that has the same configuration as their input parameter, but with uint64_t- and bool-valued entries, respectively. Both are specializations of the more general enoki::replace_scalar_t trait that works for any type.

With these declarations, we can now create a packet type GPSCoord2fP that stores 16 GPS positions in a convenient SoA representation.

using FloatP      = Packet<float, 16>;
using GPSCoord2fP = GPSCoord2<FloatP>;

An important aspect of the type calculations mentioned above is that they also generalize to non-array arguments. In particular, uint64_array_t<float> and mask_t<float> simply turn into uint64_t and bool, respectively, hence the type alias

using GPSCoord2f  = GPSCoord2<float>;

perfectly reproduces the original (scalar) GPS record definition. Having defined the GPS record type, it is time to update the function definition as well. Once more, we will rely on C++ templates to do so.

The new distance function shown below is similarly templated with respect to the Value type, and it works for both scalar and vector arguments.

/// Calculate the distance in kilometers between 'r1' and 'r2' using the haversine formula
template <typename Value>
Value distance(const GPSCoord2<Value> &r1, const GPSCoord2<Value> &r2) {
    using Scalar = scalar_t<Value>;
    const Value deg_to_rad = Scalar(M_PI / 180.0);

    auto sin_diff_h = sin(deg_to_rad * .5f * (r2.pos - r1.pos));
    sin_diff_h *= sin_diff_h;

    Value a = sin_diff_h.x() + sin_diff_h.y() *
              cos(r1.pos.x() * deg_to_rad) *
              cos(r2.pos.x() * deg_to_rad);

    return select(
        r1.reliable && r2.reliable,
        (6371.f * 2.f) * atan2(sqrt(a), sqrt(1.f - a)),

Note how the overall structure is preserved. There are three noteworthy changes:

  1. Control flow such as if statements must be replaced by branchless code involving masks (see the enoki::select() statement on line 15). Separate array entries may undergo a different control flow, which is not possible with standard C++ language constructs, hence the need for masks.

    If desired, the early-out optimization from the previous snippet can be preserved for the special case that all records are unreliable:

    if (none(r1.reliable && r2.reliable))
        return std::numeric_limits<Scalar>::quiet_NaN()
  2. Standard mathematical functions such as std::sin are replaced by their Enoki equivalents, which generalize to both array and non-array arguments.

  3. The enoki::scalar_t type alias on line 4 is used to extract the elementary arithmetic type underlying an Enoki array—this results in the type float in our example, which is used to cast a constant to the right precision.

    It is sometimes useful to be able to work with a higher precision. Our templated distance function can nicely accommodate this need simply by simply switching to the following types:

    using GPSCoord2d   = GPSCoord2<double>;
    using DoubleP      = Packet<double, 16>;
    using GPSCoord2dP  = GPSCoord2<DoubleP>;

    The distance function requires no changes. When working with double precision GPS records, the deg_to_rad constant automatically adapts to the higher precision due to the cast to the Scalar type.